I discovered this great Infographic from the Grasshopper group in my tweet stream this week and it brought to life some amazing insights on bloggers. The graphic was produced with data compiled from Technorati and Business Week.
A few highlights include:
The greatest traffic drivers to a blog is social media of which Facebook and Twitter account for the greatest share.
The other social networks like LinkedIn, Digg or Stumble Upon were far less effective in generating blog traffic.
Interestingly, nearly half of part time bloggers integrate paid display advertising or use paid search to promote their blog.
Even better, over half of the bloggers receive a salary for blogging.
The majority of bloggers are hobbyists, male and have been blogging for over 2 years.
Professional bloggers spend a average of 10 hours a week on their blog
With these data points, it’s easy to see why bloggers continue to invest their time and energy in blogging to deliver the online visibility, thought leadership and increased influence and revenue they seek. To learn more on all the value that a blog can offer and how to increase your online visibility, click here.
So does this new data change your thinking on blogging? Does is give you support to post more often? Or make you want to start a blog? Looking forward to hearing from you.

Infographic by Grasshopper